Fast Braces
A Lot Can Happen In 120 Days…
A Lot Can Happen In 120 Days…
FASTBRACES® is comprehensive orthodontics, just like traditional braces and not short-term cosmetic orthodontics. It is an alternative to conventional treatments and utilizes doctor-prescribed treatment plans to address “bad bites” or malocclusions, such as overbites, underbites, crowding/crooked teeth, spacing/gaps, open bite and crossbites.
One of the key benefits to using FASTBRACES® for straightening teeth is that patients see a noticeable difference in their teeth within a matter of days and some could be out of the braces in about 100 days. Decreased reported pain is another reason behind the advantage of FASTBRACES® over other braces. In fact, the inventor never prescribed pain medication to his thousands of patients. Furthermore, the speedy alignment of FASTBRACES® assists dentists by making certain procedures less difficult, such as cleaning the crooked teeth, installing crowns, veneers or implants.
Recently, FASTBRACES® has been getting attention because of the way it delivers beautiful results, even in about 100 days. Some people ask how it is possible for FASTBRACES® to create straight teeth in such a short amount of time. FASTBRACES® uses breakthrough technology designed to cut out the two-step process of traditional braces. With traditional old-style braces, the first year is spent pulling the crowns of the teeth into position and the roots of the teeth are moved into place during the second year. FASTBRACES® technology allows the process of straightening the roots to an upright position from day one by using patented braces, a patented method for restoring alveolar bone, and a patented method for treating orthodontitis of the gums (gingivitis from crooked teeth).